Salam, didalam post-post terdahulu, banyak aku sertakan speksifikasi dan kelebihan yang diutarakan oleh pengeluar, walaupun ada diantara model yang telah aku gunakan selama lebih 3 tahun tetapi selepas penggunaan yang kerap baru la reel ini menunjukkan kelemahannya yang pertama. Tetapi model model terbarunya seperti SW dan FD kelihatan lebih cepat defect berbanding model FA yang lama keluaran sebelum 2009.
Rujukan Post terdahulu :-
- Stella 20000FA
- Shimano Stella SW
- Stella SW8000HG
- Shimano Stella SW20000HG VS Dogfight Z6500H
- Stella FD
- Stella FA Series
- Stella SW Series
a. Stella SW Defect on Spoll Corrosion problem !
- Manufacture spec for SW spool material :- "Cold Forged Aluminum Spool" Proprietary Coating on Spool Lip is harder than a Ti coated Stainless Steel Spool Lip, Ceramic Coating on entire spool for extreme corrosion resistance
My SW8kHG spool corrosion problem..
Questionable? Above formula still can't stop salty water from making defect ?
Questionable? Above formula still can't stop salty water from making defect ?
b. Corrosion Defect on stella FA spool !
- Manufacture spec detail :- lipped spool with super slow oscillation @ Cold Forged Aluminum Spool with Titanium Lip.
- Proven or not! Corrosion, after 3 year with heavy usage..okay la..3 tahun baru karat..tapi tetap karat..
c. Corrosion defect on Stella FD Model !
just a point of Corrosion before it turn be worst
Model FD with material
- Spec :- Aluminum Spool with Titanium Lip
- Baru 6 bulan dah karat..Hampas..
For the above problem, seam nothing difference between spool SW, FA, FD model.. No matter what thier using with any specific new found material or metal, but if is still same problem, nothing diference!
No point for me, still having a same problem and the same defect - corrosion! For fast solution, i still need replace all main line and oilly spool after go back from fishing..Damm stella..Wasting my time!!! Wasting My money!!!
Add one more task!..Replace all line and cleanning stella spool!!
Caution :- For Shimano R&D and manufacture team, please take serious before it become scapegoat or it will be malicious gossip on your reputation after this...(eh...dah mcm cite gossip2 plak..bantai ajelah..huahaha)
Taktau dah pasni nak cari reel ape..rasanya kebanyakkan reel yg diperbuat dari logam akan terhakis, cuma cepat atau lambat..atau adakah CI-4 material dengan model pertamanya dari keluaran Shimano Stradix CI-4 boleh memperbaiki keadaan diatas..kita tunggu dan lihat nanti..
Link untuk review stradix Ci4

- CI4 stands for Carbon Interfusion with the 4 referring to the number of electrons in the Carbon atom. Ultimately, this means CI4 is reinforced Carbon Fiber.
- It is over one and a half times stronger than our normal XT-7 graphite and is over 20% lighter. Because it does not contain metal, it is impervious to rust.
- So, as a result of its strength and weight, we can create an extremely lightweight reel with very precise tolerances.
salam bro .. saya dari perak nak tanya la alat yg berwarna hijau yg untuk gulung tali tu dekat mane jual dan apa namanya .... senang sikit nak gulung tali klw guna tangan payah la ..sya amat memerlukanya untuk2 kerja2 servis reel maklumlah reel mahal sekrg syg klw tak jaga.
Salam bro..sory lambat reply..alat tu saya beli di kedai pancing juga..di Kepong Tackle. Di Kepong selangor bro..memang senang klau ada benda ni..
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